The Greatest Investing Advice Ever

The Greatest Investing Advice Ever

Understand this idea and you’ll know the trick to getting rich.

My Checklist for Greater Freedom

My Checklist for Greater Freedom

Follow these steps for more stability and less worry.

What Really Keeps the American Economy Afloat

What Really Keeps the American Economy Afloat

The government’s pandemic spending spree kept the economy alive and pulled us away from a recession. But that spending is also proof of the unsustainable economic position we’re in.

The Economics of Tip Extortion

The Economics of Tip Extortion

Many businesses now ask for tips. Folks have tip fatigue and feel put upon. But there’s a simple free market solution.

A Powerful Wealth-Building Strategy for Times Like These

A Powerful Wealth-Building Strategy for Times Like These

If you think something’s wrong… you’re right. This is the wealth-building strategy you need for times like these.

Tough Advice Nobody Will Follow

Tough Advice Nobody Will Follow

We’re convinced the Amish will take over the world someday. And they’ll make a killing renting some of it to their rich and yet oh-so-poor neighbors. Here’s why.

A Surprising Dollar Alternative

A Surprising Dollar Alternative

Inflation concerns… debt concerns… privacy concerns… All of these things and more have folks seeking alternatives to the U.S. dollar. Here’s an unorthodox solution.

The Latest Inflation Numbers Don’t Tell the Real Story

The Latest Inflation Numbers Don’t Tell the Real Story

Inflation numbers for June came in just 3% higher year over year. Does that mean the Fed’s done cleaning up the mess it made? Hardly.

Why You Shouldn’t Pay Off Your Mortgage

Why You Shouldn’t Pay Off Your Mortgage

Paying off your mortgage may bring peace of mind… but it comes with a hefty price.

The Enormous Cost of Putting Belief Over Action

The Enormous Cost of Putting Belief Over Action

A trip to Washington made it clear to Joel that belief trumps action. That’s why nothing ever changes…