This Tiny Slice of the Market Is Set to Explode

|June 14, 2021
S&P 500 red arrow

For years, investors have faced a serious problem.

It’s been quietly lurking in the background, with most folks never paying it much attention.

It’s the shrinking of the stock market.

When we first got into the game many years ago, there were more than 7,000 publicly listed companies. Today, that number has been cut nearly in half.

It adds volatility to the market, makes market prices inefficient and affords fewer choices (especially if you prefer smaller, faster-moving stocks).

There are a lot of reasons this has happened.

Regulations… expenses… record-high stock market valuations… you name it.

A couple of years ago, the problem was getting so bad for the folks at the New York Stock Exchange that they went on a bit of a public relations campaign, trying to get more companies to directly list on their exchange… and skirt the IPO process.

But direct listings are a less-than-ideal entry to public markets – especially for investors.

With a direct listing, companies sell their shares directly to the public. There’s no middleman, no ringmaster to call the shots and help set the right price.

It was a bit of a free-for-all.

Investors usually drew the short straw.

But along came the free market… our hero. It set things straight and flat-out reversed the decades-long shrinking of the stock market.

Knowing an expert needed to step in between a company looking to go public and potential shareholders, forward-thinking investors took advantage of a once-overlooked type of stock… special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs).

By now, you’ve heard us mention SPACs plenty of times.

We’re quite passionate about the subject. They can make a lot of folks a lot of money.

And they’re solving a big problem in a way only the free market can.

The Boom Is Back

Right now, we expect some 700 SPACs to hit the market this year. Each of them is expected to bring a private company to the exchanges that have shrunk so much in recent years.

SPACs not only bring needed capital to some of the fastest-growing companies in the economy but also give investors many more choices – choices that lead to a more efficient market, with healthier valuations.

Just in the last week, we’ve seen an explosion in headlines and a big jump in prices.

Mark Cuban, the down-to-earth billionaire who seems to make money everywhere he goes, proved the merit of SPACs.

The fintech startup he backed – called Dave – just announced it will soon go public through a SPAC deal.

The numbers behind the move value Dave at $4 billion. It’s minting yet another round of mega-millionaires… and maybe even a billionaire or two.

That’s what’s so exciting.

As many SPACs as there have been in recent months, the biggest deals are still yet to come. The industry is just gaining steam – and massive credibility.

Moves like Cuban’s prove it.

Add in Bill Ackman’s move earlier this month – which comes with a massive $40 billion valuation – and you can see what has us so excited.

There is a ton of money up for grabs.

The shrinking stock market is growing once again.

If you want in on the action, here’s our very best advice…

Follow our lead.

The SPAC deal we’ve been clamoring about for weeks just made a very big announcement. It’s so big that we have to take down our interview on the subject today.

It goes offline for good tonight at midnight.

That means if you want in on this play at what I’m convinced will be the very best (and perhaps final) buying opportunity, you must watch this video and make your move today.

All the details on what’s happening are here.

Again… at midnight tonight, it’s no more.

Note: The company I’m so excited about is the leader in one of the hottest medical trends on the planet… personalized medicine. Its technology is flat-out crazy. We explain it all here.

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder

Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.