Protect Yourself From America’s Free-Money Free Fall

|January 15, 2021

Did you hear the news?

Joe Biden wants to give you $1,400.

That’s on top of the $1,200 and $600 checks that Trump signed, sealed and put into your mailbox.

All told… that’s a lot of money.

It’s pushed stocks, Bitcoin and just about everything else with a price tag to record highs.

But it’s the audacity of the latest round of free cash that gets our attention.

Biden went “full bribe.”

Your Wildest Dreams

We’ll use somebody else’s words to make our point, so we don’t get kicked off the web.

Here it is from Forbes… those radicals.
Biden Article HeadlineVote for us, the soon-to-be-president said… and we’ll make all of your wildest dreams come true.

We’ll even pay for them.

We can’t help be reminded of the truism that nobody said… and yet everybody quotes.

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

It’s been attributed to Ben Franklin.

But some say it was actually Alexis de Tocqueville.

Others believe it was Alexander Tytler, a Scottish lord.

The builders of Big Government love to say nobody ever said it… as if that somehow makes the idea false. They use it as evidence to strike down any argument that uses the homeless quote and the idea behind it.

It’s a shame. It’s a good quote.

It could save our nation.

So we’ll end its problems. We’ll give it a home and call it our own.

Here’s what we’ll say.

“When the people learn they can vote themselves money… they will. And those who don’t will still cash the check… even as they tear down the republic.”

Free-Money Free Fall

There’s no debating the truth in the idea.

Just turn on the news.

The National Guard is sleeping in the halls of Congress… stocks are at record highs… and Americans are pacing in front of their mailboxes.

The people have voted. Free money is flowing freer than ever. And the nation, well… It’s not our best look.

We could debate the cause and effect for hours. Surely the advertising-fueled pundits will.

It’s complex.

But we have other ideas on our mind.

You see, we recently wrote you about an interview we did with a major national news outlet (the final product is now available here). It was on the subject of modern monetary theory (MMT).

We believe every American who cashes that check from Uncle Sam should first have to read the article and list the pros and cons of MMT.

They must understand that the check they’re cashing represents freshly printed money.

They must know that it comes with hidden interest (that could be far more expensive than even the most usurious of student loans).

And they should know that once we go down this path… there’s no coming back. The flimsy bridge from here to there crumbles as we walk over it.

The mobs fear socialism.

They shouldn’t. This country is not headed for socialism.

It’s worse.


The means of production won’t be owned by the people. No way. As we wrote earlier this week, the Musks… Zuckerbergs… and Bezoses of the world would never stand for it.

But they love where we are headed. It’s a land where money has no limit.

It’s not constrained by the gold in the ground, the law, or even the checks and balances our forefathers protected us with.

In the realm of MMT, we simply print more money when we need more money. And the people will always vote for more.

It’s why we tell everyone we can to buy stocks… land… and crypto.

It’s the only way to convert that cash into something tangible and something that will keep pace with the rabid pace of money printing.

The Dow is going to 100K.

With trillions of dollars in handouts, it has to.

Crypto will continue to surge too.

Some folks say it’s a bubble. It sure may be. But look around… we’re living in a bubble inflated by the noxious exhaust of the printing press.

The people are never going to vote for the alternative.

Some will yell… some will scream… and some will revolt. But with each new dollar, the addiction gets stronger and the majority swells.

Our advice? Don’t call your local congressman.

He’s worthless.

Call your broker.

Turn that funny money into something useful… while it can still buy you something.

Are you ready to invest more in order to protect your wealth? Share your thoughts at

Andy Snyder
Andy Snyder

Andy Snyder is an American author, investor and serial entrepreneur. He cut his teeth at an esteemed financial firm with nearly $100 billion in assets under management. Andy and his ideas have been featured on Fox News, on countless radio stations, and in numerous print and online outlets. He’s been a keynote speaker and panelist at events all over the world, from four-star ballrooms to Capitol hearing rooms.